Laryngeal paralysis associated with a generalized polyneuropathy type 3 (LPPN3)

Laryngeal paralysis associated with a generalized polyneuropathy (LPPN) is an inherited disease affecting several dog breeds, including Leonbergers, Saint Bernards and Labrardor retrievers. Laryngeal paralysis results in the loss of function of the laryngeal nerves and muscles controlling the opening of the laryngeal cartilages during breathing and closing during swallowing food. Affected dogs have difficulty breathing accompanied by a high-pitched sound (stridor), they have a low tolerance to exercise and high temperatures, difficulty swallowing as well as higher risk of aspiration pneumonia. Other clinical symptoms include changes in barking, uncoordinated gait with high stepping, frequent stumbling and muscle atrophy in the limbs. The clinical signs in Leonbergers become evident at around 3 years of age. For Saint Bernards, the average age of onset is 2 years. For Labrardor retrievers, the average age of onset is around 7 to 8 years of age.

Inheritance: autosomal recessive - read more

Mutation:  CNTNAP1 gene

Genetic test: The method used for genetic testing is extremely accurate and allows complete differentiation between affected animals, carriers and healthy dogs. DNA testing can be done at any age. 

Disease control: read more

DNA test sample: EDTA whole blood (1.0 ml) or buccal swabs. Detailed information about sampling can be found here.


54.00 €

  • You can order free sampling kit.
  • Only one sample is required for each animal, even if you order several tests.
  • Samples are stored for the option to order additional tests.
  • We offer expert assistance in interpreting the results.
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